The School Day

Central to delivering our enhanced curriculum is the need for more contact time with our students, which is why Houstone operates an extended school day consisting of over six hours contact time with teachers. 

A longer school day allows us to teach more to our pupils and improves access to education beyond the core curriculum, ensuring that all pupils participate in our full range of opportunities. 

We realise that when optional after-school activities are organised in traditional schools, barriers such as extra fees or transport difficulties mean that there are some students who will not get the chance to take part. By providing this enhanced curriculum as a compulsory part of the school day, we can be sure that all students enrolled at Houstone will benefit. 


The School teach students from 8.30am to 4:00pm with facilities available from 8.00am to 5.00pm as part of our enhanced curriculum. 

A longer school day allows us to offer the extra learning opportunities that will lead our students to excellence, as well as providing parents with a better fit between their children’s school-life and work or other commitments. 

Here’s what a school week looks like… 
8am - 8:24am Pupils arrive/ Breakfast available
8:25am Line up
8:30am - 9:00am

Morning meeting or Tutor time to include: 

  • Morning Registration 
  • Literacy  
  • Numeracy 
  • VITA  
  • PSHE 
  • Assemblies 
9.00am – 9.50am  Lesson 1 
9.50am – 10.40am  Lesson 2 
10.40am – 11am  BREAK 
11am – 11.50am  Lesson 3 
 11.50am – 12.40pm Lesson 4 
12.40pm – 13.10pm  Lunch 1 / DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) 
13.10pm – 13.40pm  LUNCH 2 / DEAR 
13.40pm – 14.30pm  Lesson 5 
14.30pm – 15.20pm  Lesson 6 
15.20pm – 16.00pm 

Prep (students do homework) 

*On Friday, pupils who earn their ‘Friday Finish’ will be permitted to leave school at 15.20pm 

16.00pm – 17.30pm 

After school support to include: 

  • Homework support 
  • Revision sessions 
  • Drop in Tutorials 
  • Individual study activities 
  • Library and ICT facilities 
  • Correction