Travel and Transport

Arrival and departure

The majority of our pupils should arrive and depart from our school on foot if they live in close proximity to the school.

We  have a large number of bicycle stands where pupils can leave their bikes whilst at school (pupils leave their bicycles at their own risk and should lock their bicycle every day).

Pupils are not permitted to bring electric scooters onto the school premises.

We have a one-way drop-off and pick-up zone outside the front of the school building.

Please do not park in the staff parking spaces or wait in the reserved parking areas as these have been allocated for those with disabilities.

End of the school day

This is a particularly busy time. Parents are reminded to exercise extreme caution whilst driving on the school premises and follow the 5MPH limits at all times.

Safety of our pupils, parents, and visitors is paramount, please report any concerns you may have to the school at the earliest opportunity or advise a member of staff.


If you are arriving by car for a pre-booked meeting, please park in the car park and register the vehicle on arrival when signing in with our reception team.